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    The Lost Tribe (2010)

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    The Lost Tribe
    While on their way to Asia to close a business deal, five friends (Anna, Tom, Joe, Alexis, and Chris) rescue a man that's been left to drift at sea. Injured and in shock, the stranger overrides the yacht's autopilot and attempts to change the vessel's course, but instead wrecks the boat on a rock and the vessel sinks. The castaways wash ashore on the beach of an uncharted island and attempt to contact the Coast Guard over the yacht's radio. Before the Coast Guard can arrive, the body of the stranger vanishes from the grave the other survivors had laid him to rest in. Needing some time to himself, Tom wanders into the jungle and is attacked by an unseen assailant. During the attempt to find Tom the next day Alexis is killed by the jungle's inhabitants and Chris is taken. Joe and Anna discover a nefarious plot by the Vatican to cover up a research team's discoveries on the island before Joe is killed be an assassin sent by the church...

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    • Roel Reiné
    • USA
    • ~ 100 min.
    • Adventure
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    4 / 10 :: 447 Votes
    Genre: Adventure Thriller
    Executive Producer: Irvin Kershner
    Co-Produzent: Terry Notary
    Produzent: Mohit Ramchandani
    MPAA: R
    Schauspieler: Emily Foxler  Nick Mennell  Marc Bacher  Brianna Brown  Hadley Fraser  Maxine Bahns  Ryan Alosio  Lance Henriksen  11 weitere
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